WheelBase & DAMHub
SaaS Platforms for Streamlined Creative, Personalization  & Marketing Automation


Data-driven personalization is one of the highest priorities for retailers today. In a recent survey by Oracle, more than half of respondents said that they intended to increase their budget for personalization 
technology this year.
At the same time, a majority of companies agree that it is one 
of the most difficult tactics 
to execute.


Does your organization have a large customer base or potential prospect pool to communicate with? Do you have dynamic inventory that requires regular manual updates to your website or creative output? Do you struggle to deliver relevant, personalized messaging in all channels? If any of these scenarios sound familiar then we have a solution for you.


Creating ads for multiple channels can be a long and tedious process. WheelBASE is different.
Once the ‘parent’ ad is designed and approved, the WheelBASE engine exports the design to other sizes and formats for all other channels, even video.
And if revisions are needed, make them in the database and they will update all creative, real-time.

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